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Bootstrap Podcast Episodes
#86 - The Only Real Way To Know Is To Talk To People - Asia Orangio (CEO, DemandMaven)
December 20, 2024
Today, I'm thrilled to be joined by Asia Orangio, the brain behind DemandMaven, a growth agency dedicated to helping SaaS companies and their founders reach new heights. Asia's unique approach blends data-driven strategies with deep empathy for customers, making her a sought-after expert - from bootstrapped businesses to some of the most established companies.
#85 - Building A Business From Python Expertise - Michael Kennedy (Founder, Talk Python Training)
November 14, 2024
If you are listening to this show, you have likely heard of a programming language called Python. And if you are a Python developer, you've likely heard of a podcast dedicated to this programming language - Talk Python To Me. It was started by none other than Michael Kennedy, a Python Software Foundation fellow who managed to turn his expertise into a viable bootstrapped business. In this show, we talk about ways to plan a training business from scratch, what tactics worked best to grow a podcast audience, and how to make sure that you have a viable idea before you quit your day job.
#82 - Stop Building SaaS Landing Pages - Craig Hewitt (Founder, Castos)
July 12, 2024
Craig Hewitt, the founder of the podcasting platform Castos, comes from generations of entrepreneurs, and his own journey builds on the experience and stamina of those that came before him. In this show, we chat about best practices for hiring developers for your bootstrapped startup, finding the right approach to deliver hard news, and how to ensure that your relationships aren't hurt as you embark on the entrepreneurship treadmill.
#80 - Web Development Is Theatre - Miriam Suzanne (CSS Working Group, OddBird)
June 12, 2024
One of the things that Miriam Suzanne realized early in her developer journey is that web development is a tool - she wanted to build a website for her theater company and ended up building a career and a company around it. And not just that, but she also joined the CSS Working Group - the official standards body that determines how the CSS stack evolves. In this show, we talk about her early discovery of the power of the web, how she joins creativity with technical prowess, and how CSS is really like poetry written in the browser.
#73 - Put The Passion Aside And Go For The Market, with Rob Walling
February 12, 2024
If you’ve ever listened to Startups For The Rest Of Us (which, by the way, is approaching seven hundred episodes), you might already be familiar with the energetic host of the show - entrepreneur, bootstrapper, and podcaster extraordinaire Rob Walling. Rob and I chat about his early days as an employee, the transition from the more traditional path of working for someone to starting his own business, building MicroConf, and how the trifecta of skill, hard work, and luck can help folks be on a more predictable path to success.
#57 - From Turbo Pascal to CodePen, with Chris Coyier
October 28, 2022
If you are a web developer, chances are that you used CodePen more than once. You're also probably very familiar with CSS-Tricks for, well, more than just CSS tricks. The man behind these experiences, Chris Coyier, actually started his journey some time ago with a programming language called Turbo Pascal - many steps removed from web development. I sat down with Chris to talk more about his career, lessons in getting CodePen out into the world, and so much more.