#56 - Reverse Engineering The Halo API with Alexis from HaloDotAPI
Thursday, October 6, 2022
If you ever played any of the Halo games, you probably know that there is a wealth of data being exchanged between the game and Halo services. This includes stats and so much more. If you've ever wanted to use those stats, you also probably ran into HaloDotAPI - a Halo API wrapper for Halo Infinite and Master Chief Collection. Behind all of this work is one individual - Alexis, or Zeny_IC (on both Twitter and Xbox Live).
Today I chat with Alexis about his early roots, what led him to explore reverse engineering as a viable career path, as well as what it took to actually figure out the Halo API.
The Show
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The podcast was produced by Den Delimarsky. Music by Wataboi from Pixabay.
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